Aaron Gulbransen: Justin Jones Speaks in Neo-Marxist Catch Phrases Peppered with 1960s Activist Language

Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. – host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Aaron Gulbransen in studio to discuss State Representative Justin Jones (D-Nashville) and his ultimate mission of achieving fame.

Leahy: We are delighted to welcome to our microphones, the official guest host of The Tennessee Star Report, the Tennessee state director for the Faith and Freedom Coalition, and previously, our lead political reporter here at The Tennessee Star, Aaron Gulbransen. Welcome.

Gulbransen: Good morning. How are you?

Leahy: Thank you for coming in on this rainy, rainy day. It’s going to be a significant day for political theater here in Tennessee.

Gulbransen: It is, and it will remain to be seen as to whether or not the rain actually affects the agitator turnout at the Capitol today as we stare at the impending expulsion of Justin Jones, Gloria Johnson, and Justin Pearson.

Leahy: They’re all Democrats. They’re all left-wing lunatics, and they violated, probably more than a dozen rules of the house when they incited a riot at the Capitol last Thursday. The resolution to hold a vote to expel them passed 72 to 23 on Monday night.

You need a two-thirds vote to expel. There are 99 members of the House of Representatives. Two-thirds is 66. There are I think, 75 Republicans and 24 Democrats. They are three of the Democrats. And Justin Jones, talk about a self-promoting megalomaniac Jacobin.

He’s got this; he’s got this little trademark move that you’ve probably seen. He’s very aggressive and trying to get a response from people. He’s got this little trademark move. Why don’t you describe what the trademark move is and how it violates the personal space of people?

Gulbransen: He shoves his phone in your face, within an inch of your face, and he says things, and he agitates. The average person isn’t gonna pull their phone right out and combat it with the same kind of thing.

And he’s done it to me five or six times when he was doing his little astroturfed protest at the Capitol where in 2020, where they supposedly occupied it for 60-some-odd days.

What they actually did was that Justin went in at night and stayed at the Sheridan. It is still unknown as to who paid the tab, and they bribed the homeless people with food and booze to sleep at Legislative Plaza overnight. That’s actually not something that’s been widely reported.

Leahy: But let’s be honest about what this kid is. This kid is a con man—no question about it.

Gulbransen: California transplant.

Leahy: He came here, and he puts laces all of his language with selected elements of Christian verse. But this guy is as phony as a $4 bill.

Gulbransen: He speaks in a combination of classic 1960s Democrat activist language peppered with the neo-insane Marxist language that they use today. He basically speaks in catchphrases. He walked past me several times yesterday when I was standing outside a legislator’s office on the fourth floor.

He doesn’t have access to his office, I believe. It certainly didn’t appear that way because the nameplate where his office was, appeared to have been taken down, and he was going into other offices that, of people on the fourth floor, which is referred to by many people anyway, as the dungeon.

Leahy: Look, the guy is just a self-promoter. He has his game. His game was not to be a responsible state legislator. His game was to self-aggrandize. He sees himself as the next coming of Martin Luther King, Jr.

Gulbransen: And I will say I did share my concerns after he’d attained the Democrat nomination with a number of members of the State House that he was going to be a big problem. Most of which, in my conversations, especially with the leadership. They know who he is.

Leahy: Everybody knows who he is. The Democrat leadership knows who he is. They can’t stand him. Because all this kid wants is to get on CNN. He’s actually looking for a gig on The View or something like that. That’s what he wants. He wants to promote himself.

Gulbransen: There you go. You can have The Comey and Jones Show.

Leahy: By the way, they had the school resource officer vote. He voted against it.

Gulbransen: Of course.

Leahy: He has no interest in anything except seeing his face on CNN. He’ll probably get that wish today. But we’ll talk about the mechanics of this, because what happens next? How will the vote go at nine o’clock? What will the process be, and if they are expelled, which I think they should be, and I think will be, what happens next?

Listen to today’s show highlights, including this interview:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio.
Photo “Justin Jones” by Justin Jones. 
















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2 Thoughts to “Aaron Gulbransen: Justin Jones Speaks in Neo-Marxist Catch Phrases Peppered with 1960s Activist Language”

  1. Truthy McTruthFace

    he’s a marxist. THEY ARE ALL MARXISTS
